Saturday, January 20, 2007


Tattvabodha - 13

Hari Aum

Prostrations to Guru. Prostrations to All.

Srothrasya Vishayaha Shabdhagrahanam
The field of experience of ear is the reception of sound

Tvacho vishayaha sparshagrahanam
For skin, the field of experience is sense of touch

Chakshusho vishayaha roopagrahanam
For eyes, the field of experience is perception of forms

Rasanaaya vishayaha rasagrahanam
For tongue, the field of experience is sense of taste

Graanasya vishayaha Gandhargrahanam Ithi
For nose, the field of experience is sense of smell.

The Subtle body or Sookshma shareeram has 17 components which are 5 organs of perception, 5 organs of action, 5 vital air, mind and intellect. After mentioning these 17 components, Shankara then explains about Organs of Perception and Organs of Action. We learned the presiding deities of Organs of perception. Here we will learn about the field of experience of the organs of perception. The field of experience of ear is hearing of sound. The field of experience of skin is the feel of touch. The field of experience of eye is perception of form. The field of experience of tongue is sense of taste and finally the field of experience of nose is the sense of smell. All the 5 organs of perception has distinct field of experience, one's field of experience will not overlap with the field of experience of the other. For example, ear cannot see and eye cannot hear.

Organs of Action:
Vaakpaanipaadhapaayupasthaaneethi panchakarmaendriyaani
Speech, hands, legs, anus, and the genitals are the five karma indriyas (the organs of action).

Vaacho devathaa vahnihi
The presiding deity of speech is Fire

Of Hands, Indra

Padayor Vishnuhu
Of Legs, Vishnu

Paayor Mrityuhu
Of the Anus, Mrituhu (the Lord of Death)

Upasthasya Prajaapathihi
Of the Genitals, Prajapathi
Ithi Karmaendriya devathaaha
Thus the presiding deities for the organs of action.

Vaachovishayaha Bhaashanam
The function of organ of speech is to speak

Panyorvishayaha vasthugrahanam
The function of hands is to grasp things

Padayorvishayaha gamanam
The function of legs is locomotion

Payorvishayaha Malathyagaha
The function of Anus (excretory organ) is the elimination of the waste products

Upasthasya vishayaha Ananda Ithi
The function of genital organ is pleasure.

After explaining about the organs of perception, Shankara then explains about the organs of action. There are 5 organs of action, they are speech, hands, legs, anus and the genital organs. Like the organs of perception, the organs of action also have presiding deity and definite function. The presiding deity for speech is fire, for hand is Indra, for leg is Vishnu, for anus is Lord Death, for genital organs the presiding deity is Prajapathi. The function of organ of speech is speaking, the function of hands is to hold things, the function of legs is to move, the function of anus is to eliminate out the waste products and the the function of genital organ is pleasure.

Shankara explains about the other components of subtle body like 5 vital air, mind and intellect later while explaining about Pancha kosas or 5 sheaths. We will learn about the Kaarana Shareera or Causal body the next day.

Prostrations to All.

Hari Aum


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