Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Tattvabodha - 6

Hari Aum

Prostrations to Guru. Prostrations to All.

Shamaadhi Saadhana Sampatthi kaa?
What is the accomplishment of saadhana starting from Shama?
Samo Dama UparamasTitiksha Sraddha Samadhaanam Cha Ithi
They are Sama, Dama, Uparama, Titiksha, Sraddha, and Samadhana.

Viveka is discrimination between real and the unreal objects and as per the scriptures there is only one thing which is real which is Ultimate Reality of Brahman. This Ultimate Reality of Brahman is identical to ones own nature of Self. When there is proper discrimination between real and the unreal objects, dispassion will be developed in the mind. When there is no dispassion, the mind will be extroverted and such an extroverted mind will not be able to apprehend the Reality. Therefore when there is proper dispassion knowing that none of the objects of the world is Real, then the seeker will be able to apprehend the teachings of the Guru very clearly. To get this kind of proper discrimination, the mind has to be disciplined. After explaining about the dispassion, Shankara here explains about the six disciplines. These six disciplines are Sama, Dama, Uparama, Titiksha, Shraddha, and Samadhanam. He then also explains each one of the discipline.

Samaha Kaha?
What is Sama?
Mano Nigrahaha.
Control or mastery of mind.

Damaha Kaha?
What is Damaha?
Chakshuraadhi Baahyaendra Nigraha
Control of sense organs like eyes etc.

Uparamaha Kaha?
What is Uparama?
Svadharma Anushtaana Eva
Strict observance of ones own duty.

The first discipline is Sama which means control of the mind. By Viveka, one can discriminate which is Real and which is Unreal. Thus by proper discrimination, the seeker will understand that all the objects of the world are not real and hence cannot give permanent happiness which is the Ultimate Goal of everyone in the world. Thus by knowing that all the objects of the world are temporary one has to control the mind from going towards the worldly objects through desire. Thus, Sama is the internal control of the mind. Dama is control of sense organs or external control of the mind. When the desires for the worldly objects in the mind are controlled through discrimination and dispassion, then the external control will also be achieved. Once the mind is controlled internally and externally through the control of sense organs, the seeker has to concentrate on performing his duty which is the Vedantic Sadhana of Srvana, Manana and Nidhidhyaasana. Sravana is systematic, consistent study of scriptures from a competent Guru for a length of time, Manana is reflecting the teaching in the mind logically so that one gets strong intellectual conviction over the teaching of the Guru and Nidhidhyasana is contemplating on the teaching of the Guru during all the time. We will learn the rest of the Disciplines tomorrow.

Prostrations to All.

Hari Aum


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